Guide’s Report – June 27th

June 28, 2015 by Duane Foerter0

As we rolled out on the water this morning it was glass calm, ol’ 104 was slicing through the water with the hum of the twin 150 Yamaha’s behind her. As always when it’s calm out I was torn when passing the dolphin to go east or stick to plan to start fishing at Cape Naden. After a quick internal debate I continued west and as we passed the Maz there were only two boats there and both were already fighting fish. This was going to be a good day.

Coming up on Naden I could see the water quivering with bait, the needle fish were pushed in there and they were thick. I set my gear and we made our first pass and had three quick hits, one on all three rods. Working the bait deep in the west bay by ourselves we got a little show from the Humpback that was feeding in there. After a morning of steady Chinook action we decided it was time to make one last pass before heading to the Hali grounds.

As we got in tight to the kelp I set my gear at 25 and 33 feet. Right as we worked into the honey hole the outside rod fired off, and the reel started screaming and it’s game on. After a few strong runs and lots of dogging the large Chinook shows himself for the first time, the 602 spoon hanging out of his mouth. I’m thinking… “Got one” and as that 33 pound Tyee slides into the bag I’m again grateful to be able to share moments like these with good guys and good friends. I know it’s been a great start to what can only be another fine day that can only be experienced in the Gwaii.

Gettin em!

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