Guide’s Report for June 5th
Finally, another season at QCL is upon us. It’s opening day at the lodge, and everyone is chomping at the bit to get the lines wet. We start off the season by heading east, to cape Edenshaw! Not long after setting the gear, we were onto our first fish of the summer. This scrappy 15 pounder had our rod buckled and reel singing. The song we’ve been waiting so long to hear! After a hard fought battle my guests and I looked at each other and said “it’s great to be home”! Throughout the day we proceeded to hook into feisty little feeders. A very modest size, but these fish were full of energy and lots of fun. By the end of the day the boys were depleted of all energy, as well as beer. Sounds like a trip back to the Bell Ringer is in order! On tomorrow’s agenda, big Hali at the “Hill”.
Until next time,
Ryan “Horseshoe” Winger