Kingfisher Report – June 28th – BIG Fish!

The Canada Day weekend trip at QCL kicked off with a bang tonight as the really big fish started arriving at the Bell Ringer! Darris McDaniel, fishing a herring at Bird Rock with Brian Clive, weighed in a beautifully proportioned Chinook that tipped the scale at 51.2 pounds.
Senior guide Cole Adams was fishing Cape Naden with long-time guests Henry and Gerda Gusse when Henry hooked onto what would be his biggest catch yet at QCL. After a 40 minute battle Henry’s trophy salmon weighed in at 53 pounds at the Bell Ringer scale.
Melissa Letwin arrived at the dock this evening after a great day fishing with senior guide Jeff Smirfitt. The action for them was particularly good at lunch hour today when Melissa hooked up to a heavy fish at Klashwun Point. No stranger to playing strong-fighting big Chinooks, Melissa handled the rod like a pro and brought the big Tyee to the boat. When she finally put it on the scale at day’s end the big chrome salmon weighed 56 pounds.
More photos to come!
What a fantastic start to to the 2013 season, exceptional weather much of the time and awesome fishing all the time!