The QCL Hat

Most anglers have their favourite fishing gear; special vest, best rod, lucky lures, killer flies, and the list goes on. But one item that seems to be high on the list of essentials is their fishing hat. And judging by the number of hats we see at the Lodge, we can confirm that is often the case!
For as long as QCL has operated, our guests have received an annual QCL Hat. Sporting this upon stepping off the helicopter has become a welcome tradition. While this tradition is not unique to QCL, we find ourselves excited when our guests love their new fishing hat.
Now, 33 years in, we’re still cooking up new ideas and fresh looks for the QCL cap. Obviously, the logo features prominently on any design and we’ve moved through a few variations. The original logo in 1991 was a beautiful Kingfisher, styled in a Haida design by Pat Wesley. It was front and centre on all Lodge hats until 2002 when we moved to a new logo design that featured the “hooked QCL” which was later simplified to the “hooked Q” that we often use today. Colour is always important; we’ve used various hues of blue, green, chestnut brown and shades from white to black.
Coming up with a hat that appeals to everyone is a daunting task. But every winter we go on a mission to design something fresh, in hopes that most everyone will love it. Thankfully, we’ve had our share of winners – in shapes and colours that fit just right with the times – and perhaps some that were loved a little less. It’s our good fortune that most guests are pleased to receive this unique keepsake and are happy to take it home with them. There’s no feeling quite like walking down the street, or across the world, and seeing the familiar Q.
As we always say, fishing is a pastime full of story and tradition, with maybe a touch of superstition involved there too. One tradition that many of our guests may not be aware of is what to do when your new hat blows off your head while out on the water. Of course, this happens more often than you might think. Keeping it protected from the breeze as you fly over the water is a timeless trick that needs perfecting. But of course, the proper procedure to follow is that as soon as your hat leaves your head, is to immediately turn the boat around and retrieve it before it sinks! And, doing so properly means pulling the hat straight from the water and putting it right back on your head, drips and all.
Our 2024 hat is well on its way to the Office, ready to continue the loved tradition. We cannot wait to share it with you all, you’ll only have to wait a little bit longer. For now, here’s a little teaser.